Despite a dedicated campaign by many municipal water companies and associations to marginalize bottled water in the eyes of the American consumer, exactly the opposite has happened – bottled water is more popular than ever and continues to grow in popularity.

Perhaps this is because the American consumer is truly an educated consumer and for years they have been misled about the purity of municipal tap water that is laced with contaminants and harmful chemicals and tainted with chlorine and other additives that impart nauseating odors and taste.

One of the most popular features of bottled water is that it does not require heavy doses of chlorine and so its taste is definitely more appealing than tap water, And, if one reads the purity reports issued by municipal water suppliers and required by the Environmental Protection Agency, it becomes evident that municipal water suppliers do not have the technology to purify large scale consumption of water.

One should read the reports carefully and note the warnings about cryptosporidium, rocket fuel, people with compromised immune systems or chronic illnesses and gasoline additives that remain in municipal water even after treatment and chlorination.

Bottled drinking water also contains no caffeine, no calories and no sugar and thereby competes with carbonated wholesale soft drinks suppliers that themselves are unhealthy in a world seeking higher health standards.

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Water in bottles may seem like a relatively new idea–one born during the heightened awareness of fitness and potential water pollution during the last two or three decades but it traces its roots to the 19th century in America. The water is also be used as an ingredient in beverages, such as diluted juices or flavored bottled waters.

Water that has been treated by distillation, reverse osmosis, or other suitable processes and that meets the definition of “purified water” is the best bottled water and studies show it.

Water cannot be called purified” unless it is 99.9% free of any and all contaminants – a test that all municipal water and most bottled waters fail to meet.

Bottled drinking water has a valid place in the marketplace, so unless one is willing to give up all bottled beverages it seems a little hypocritical to single out water. It is so ubiquitous that people can hardly ask for water anywhere without being handed a bottle.

Water in bottles is the fastest-growing segment of the beverage industry, and the product has now passed both coffee and milk to become the second-most-consumed beverage. Water in bottles that crosses state lines is considered a food product and is overseen by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which does mandate that it be bottled in sanitary conditions using food-grade equipment.

Tap Water

Once, most Americans got their water only from the tap. Pioneers trekking west across the United States during the 19th century also typically considered drinkable (potable) water a staple to be purchased in anticipation of the long trip across the arid West. But, as the population grew, industrial, natural and organic pollutants fouled the source of natural drinking water found in rivers, streams and aquifers. Development of purification techniques were unable to keep up with population and pollution growth and municipal water purity disappeared.

The municipalities attempted to cover up the problem through the addition of copious amounts of chlorine and the establishment of “standards” by the EPA that allowed dangerous chemicals capable of long term damage to the human body to remain. And, the EPA testing stopped at the water treatment plant and did not consider the presence of lead, copper and other poisonous elements contained in the water pipes of houses that used tap water.

Because lead can leach from pipes as water travels from water utilities to home faucets, the EPA set an action level of 15 parts per billion (ppb) in tap water. This means that when lead levels are above 15 ppb in tap water that reaches home faucets, water utilities must treat the water to reduce the lead levels to below 15 ppb. Lead is particularly injurious to children at any level.

Many municipalities provide water that’s discolored, chlorinated, and tastes like “pool” water. So if your tap water tastes poorly, it might be that your city’s water system is severely under funded or is controlled by a corporation, not the same corporation that makes your bottled water, but it is obvious they have the interest in controlling where and how you get your water.