Online poker has emerged as a game now and people are becoming passionate about it. However, this passion is also making them cheat with their opponents. Being a poker player you should know about the cheating methods, in the way you know it rules. So, here we are with some of the cheating methods popular nowadays




The biggest cheating that one could do in poker online is through ghosting. Ghosting is nothing, but taking the physical help from a person who is not playing the game. Now, this is a very common case of fraud in online poker games. The player can either take the help of his or her friend sitting next to him.


A more secure way of helping the player is Skype and Teamviewer. With the help of these two applications, one can see the live game and then can help the player. One can even send pictures of the live game on these applications. The player takes the help of the ghost at the time of taking the final decision related to the game. However, this kind of fraud is not possible in offline tournaments.




Those who play online poker must know that before starting the game, one has to make his or her account. Now that poker is related to the real money, it is obvious that one will have to link their bank account also. The fraud that we are going to talk about here is the one where a person plays with multiple accounts. Normally, a player is allowed to play from one account only, but in this fraud, the person even plays with 4 accounts at a time. When you play from one account, you get the information on just one card at a time.


However, if one is playing with multiple accounts, he will get to see the information of more than one card which can prove to be beneficial for him. One can imagine how huge this fraud is. Also, this could be the work of a criminal mind only. Looking at the increasing numbers of this fraud the poker rooms have now made strict rules. You need to share your ID and other details with them before starting the game. If one is found doing any such thing while the game, his bank account could be sealed.


Hole cards viewing


This again is not a normal fraud and could not be easily executed. Now, when we are playing poker, online or offline, we get to know about our cards and not about our opponent’s cards. This is called card viewing. Hole card viewing is the process in which you can see the cards of your opponent too. Well, if a person can do so, the game for him or her is sorted. This is the biggest fraud of all and one could not find about it that easily.


This is not the end of these methods. We have just mentioned the basic ones and there are more. We are sure these will help you in getting an idea about the cheating ways used in this game and the players will become more alert.